soundwave art

How to Make a Perfect Soundwave Art on First Try?

You can try the soundwave art, which is a new idea that you can try for a gift. It can be a recorded message of something beautiful, which you can give on a special day. If you also want to learn this amazing art, then you need to follow some simple steps. For this, you need to download a software named Audacity for Windows computer and if you are using Chromebooks, then you need to download Twisted Wave. So let us start with something simple to give you a basic idea about soundwave art.

Ideas that you can use for soundwave art

Ideas that you can use for soundwave art

You can create a soundwave art during some special holiday, event or an occasion. It all depends on your choices to record a short message for your loved ones to give it as a gift. You can record a message for your mother or father on mother’s or father’s day. If its Valentine’s day, then you can record a sweet and lovely message for your partner. During the holidays like Christmas, you can record something like Merry Christmas and creat soundwave art. So there is no limit to the ideas and you can get a thoughtful gift for the people close to you.

Step by Step process for making a soundwave Art

Step by Step process for making a soundwave Art

Here is the step by step process of making a soundwave art, which can help in creating some masterpieces.

Record the message –

The first thing you have to do is download audacity to your computer and then turn on the permission to record voice using your microphone. After that, you need to open it and record the message that you want to print out.

• Take a screenshot –

Now you can click on the print screen button or use Snipping Tool to take a snap of the recorded message. If you are using a public computer then you need to make sure that you save the name properly.

• Upload it to drive –

You can now upload the sound wave image to your Google drive to keeping it secure. This way you can access this image from anywhere and edit it as per your preference.

• Edit the image –

Before printing the image on how to make some changes to its appearance. First, you have to crop the image in order to get the desired shape of the sound wave. Now you need to change the background of the image in order to focus on the waveform. You can click on options like contrast or background which will help you to increase focus on the sound wave. You can change the color of the sound wave and make it something unique.

• Print the soundwave –

The last to complete this sound is by using a printer. You can also add a frame to the image to get the final result. After that, you can let your creativity run wild and try out various types of messages.

Now you can try making different types of soundwave art. You can make the necessary edits to the image before printing. It is essential that you do not focus a lot on editing, as it should look something natural.